So, checking your phone in bed could be damaging your health

So, hands up if you can't go to bed without a quickscan through your various social media profiles.

We're guessing most of you have two arms in the air right now, but have you ever stopped to think what effect this bedtime habit could be having on your health. 

Well, a new study has revealed the true extent to which our mobile phone usage is impacting our health, well-being and even our relationships with others. 

Speaking to Business Insider, Dr. Dan Siegel, a clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine, explained just how harmful staring at a bright screen before going asleep can be.

“People are exposing their eyes to this stream of photons that basically tell your brain to stay awake and not go to sleep yet.”

“You're checking your explain, you're looking for texts. It tells your brain don't secrete melatonin yet, it's not time for sleep.

So, in short, your go-to bedtime ritual is actually preventing you from getting a quality night's sleep.

Not only can a poor night's sleep leave us feeling rough the next day, according to Dr. Siegel, “If you don't get seven to nine hours of sleep, you're brain's melatoin is still hard at work.

"It makes your attention falter, your memory is impaired, your ability to think through problems is changed, your insulin that helps regulate your metabolism is turned upside down so you’re more likely to gain weight from what you eat. It’s actually toxic."

So, perhaps it's time to turn off the phones and invest in a good old-fashioned alarm clock instead.
