Brad Pitt releases statement about red carpet attack
Ukranian ex-journalist Vitalii Sediuk made headlines last week when he jumped the barrier at the premiere for Brad Pitt’s latest film Maleficent and attacked him.
It was a bizarre occurrence, and Brad has finally released a statement about what happened:
“I was at the end of the line signing autographs, when out the corner of my eye I saw someone stage-diving over the barrier at me. I took a step back; this guy had latched onto my lapels. I looked down and the nutter was trying to bury his face in my crotch, so I cracked him twice in the back of the head – not too hard – but enough to get his attention, because he did let go. I think he was then just grabbing for a hand hold because the guys were on him, and he reached up and caught my glasses.”
“I don’t mind an exhibitionist,” Brad continued, “but if this guy keeps it up he’s going to spoil it for the fans who have waited up all night for an autograph or a selfie, because it will make people more wary to approach a crowd. And he should know, if he tries to look up a woman’s dress again, he’s going to get stomped.”
Sediuk has since been sentenced to three years of probation and a year’s worth of psychiatric counselling after pleading no contest to battery and unlawful activity at a sporting or entertainment event.