Fall in love with juice: anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
Juicing has become all the rage over the last few years, and advocates are certainly reaping in the benefits from it.
That's because fruit juice has a seriously long list of benefits and most of us should really be consuming more of it than we do.
Here's a breakdown of our favourite juices and what makes them so healthy for us…
Watermelon Juice
This is made up of 90 percent water which pretty much makes it the most hydrating juice drink out there. It is full of antioxidants too which help fight the chances of heart disease, high blood pressure and even cancer.
Orange Juice
We all know that orange juice is full of vitamin C but did you know that this is what keeps you having a healthy immune system? It also fights off damage causing radicals which can lead to high blood pressure.
Pomegranate Juice
This is your antioxidant bomb. Filled with vitamins E and C, this juice drink helps to reduce wrinkles and protect against sun damage.
Blueberry Juice
Blueberries are linked to reducing all types of mental health disorders, with a strong link to beating Alzheimer's disease. They have high mounts of flavonoids which are linked to lowering the chances of diabetes as well as lowering blood pressure.
Grapefruit Juice
This juice drink aids in releasing excess water retention, which we all hate! It also boosts your metabolism, strengthens your immune system and helps in weight loss control.
Cranberry Juice
Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, cranberry juice has great anti-inflammatory components which help prevent kidney stones and other kidney infections.
That's all you need to know: now lets get juicing!