7 needless yet TOTALLY essential things you’ll end up buying today


January has been tough you guys. 

We haven't had disposable cash since the first week of the new year which meant a major cull in all social activities and a major lack of weekend cocktails. 

Until today that is. 

The January pay check is PARTICULARLY sweet and so we kind of went a bit mad today. Here is the needless things we may or may not have indulged in:

1) A Haircut, pronto 

Colour, cut, treatment, the works please. 

2) A whole new outfit 

Because we plan to start having a social life again

3) A really REALLY nice lunch 

It may have involved cocktails

4) A holiday, sure YOLO 

Summer is coming guys. 

5) A nail appointment 

Chipped shellac is not cute 

6) Screw Nespresso, we got a Starbucks 

One grande, iced, sugar-free, vanilla latte With Soy Milk. And heavy on the cream.

7) Gin 

Because we're going out tonight, obvs. 
