6 Tips On How To Beat Fatigue and Tiredness In No Time


6 Tips On How To Beat Fatigue and Tiredness In No Time

You’ve probably said it to at least one person that you are “tired all the time” and as common as it may seem, it can be difficult to overcome tiredness and fatigue. There may be underlying medical problems or just poor lifestyle habits behind this, which can be diagnosed and cured in weeks.

Tiredness can heavily impact your work performance, family, and social life. Fatigue is often considered vague, and doctors often leave it unnoticed because the symptoms are similar to tiredness. It is simply the feeling of reduced energy, constant mental or physical exhaustion, or a feeling of being completely demotivated.

There can be psychological, physiological, and physical reasons behind fatigue, which your doctor can investigate with a physical examination, by looking at your sleep history and/or tests including blood and urine.

There are some simple ways you can try to address tiredness and fatigue – here are some tips on how you might get relief with a few simple lifestyle changes.

1. Check If You Have Health Problems First

First things first, find out if there are any underlying medical issues that might be causing the tiredness. People suffering from diabetes, heart diseases, anaemia, thyroid diseases, arthritis, etc often have tiredness as a first symptom. If you are feeling unusually tired, consult a doctor right away.
Apart from diseases, there are some medications that contribute to fatigue as well. Blood pressure medicines, antihistamines, and diuretics often cause fatigue. When starting any sort of medication, talk to your doctor about all of the side effects.
If there is no reason why you are feeling this tired, you should always consult your doctor. Through this step, with any tests the doctor suggests, you can address or rule out any possible medical issues.

2. Eat Healthy

The better the food you consume, the better your body can gain its energy. And it’s not only what you eat, but the timing of your meals that can impact your energy levels. Have you ever noticed how your body almost gives up after eating a heavy lunch or dinner? That’s your body trying to use the energy to digest the big meal instead of helping to power up your body.

How Much To Eat?

Instead of sticking to two or three meals per day rule, eat smaller portioned meals throughout the day. Not only this will help with your energy levels, but it will also help to maintain a healthy weight.

What To Eat?

Healthy food habits should be maintained. Instead of indulging in junk foods, eat complex carbohydrates for energy and proteins for endurance. Wholegrains and starchy vegetables like potatoes, pumpkins, and carrots are a great source. However, simple carbohydrates found in certain fruits, vegetables, bread or rice should not be neglected; they are an excellent source of immediate energy. Good protein sources can be found from meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nuts, and more.
Superfoods like berries, yogurt, and olive oil will provide the necessary energy with better nutrients. For example, Shilajit Australia has the nutritional benefits of a superfood. A great source of fulvic acid, this consists of fatty acids, hormones, minerals, vitamins, ketones, and flavonoids that are needed for healthy cell and body development.

Dietary Tips To Keep In Mind
  • Remember – when you choose a candy bar or soft drink to get that quick boost of energy, this will be shortly lived, and you will end up feeling even more lethargic later on.
  • Instead of using oils with saturated fats, use polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that will help lower bad LDL cholesterol. These can be found in vegetable oils, olive oil, nuts, and seeds of certain vegetables.

3. Exercise Is Key

You might think that while you’re tired, the last thing your body wants is exercise, but you’d be surprised how helpful physical activity can be to boost your energy levels. It may sound counter-intuitive, but even a regular 15-20 mins walk can bring a salient difference in your lifestyle. In a week of regular workouts, you will see how the exercise makes you feel more energetic.
You don’t have to start doing high impact exercises right away! Start with short sessions with a goal to build up to around one and a half to two hours of cardio workouts every week.  You don’t have to stick to a certain workout, either. Switch between the ones you like swimming, aerobics, jogging, Zumba, cycling, and so on.

4. Stay Hydrated

Apart from the eight glasses of water a day rule, include hydrating fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumber, and coconut water in your diet as well. Dehydration can impair your physical performance, leading you to feel more exhausted than usual. It also impacts your alertness and concentration. Lack of water can cause dark yellow urine, acne on the forehead, and headaches. If you still have those symptoms despite drinking enough water, consult a doctor as there can be other medical reasons for those issues.

5. Get To Bed Early

Lack of sleep is one of the biggest reasons for daytime fatigue and tiredness. Avoid using your mobile phone or laptop just before going to bed. The blue light from the screens causes your eyes to strain and thus tricking them to feel that you “don’t need sleep.” Also, try to go to bed early and get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.
If you still have difficulty sleeping, consult a doctor to check whether the symptoms match with insomnia. Other than that, use essential oils like lavender to help you sleep. Taking a cup of chamomile tea before sleeping also helps you to calm down and sleep.

6. Shed Extra Weight

If you are overweight, losing a few of that extra pounds can increase your energy levels. Regular exercise, cutting down on junk foods, and taking a measured portion of meals throughout the day will help you to shed weight. As you lose weight, you will feel your body is lighter and even doing the simplest chores at home will boost your energy and mood.
A lot of people cannot lose weight easily due to underlying medical conditions like PCOS, diabetes, thyroid conditions, etc. If you are diagnosed with any of these and are under the care of a doctor, your doctor will provide you tips or medications to help with the metabolic levels when you work out or eat fat-burning foods.


There is no reason to feel that you can’t enjoy or live your life to the fullest because of constant tiredness or fatigue. It happens to a lot of people, and with proper care and habits, you can overcome it and help others too. So follow the tips and live a long, healthy life!
