10 ways to smell good 24/7


10 ways to smell good 24/7

Smelling good all day is easy if you stay home and have plenty of time to pamper yourself. However, if you are a busy person, it becomes more and more challenging to control the icky body odor.

You may carry deodorant or perfume with you at all times, but even body spray fails to help you smell perfect all the time. so here’s a few handy hints to help you out.

1. Keep odor-controlling sachets in your wardrobe
Often, at supermarkets and fragrance shops, you will find small sachets that contain lavender, rose, and other types of flowers. Keep them in your wardrobe to make your entire closet smell fresh!

You can also keep these pouches in your bathroom, suitcase, or car to make the space smell divine, so whenever you get out of your car or wear something from your suitcase, you smell like the flowers in the sachets.

2. Start using essential oils
Essential oils are gaining more popularity due to its numerous benefits. First of all, they smell good. Secondly, they have healing abilities. Third, they are natural and non-toxic.

Pour a few drops of essential oils into your regular moisturizer and massage it all over your body. You will smell good all day long, and your skin texture will also improve.

Furthermore, apply them to your arms and neck whenever you are feeling stinky and exhausted. You will recharge and come back to life in no time!

3. Keep scented candles and aroma oils in every room
Some people like to have scented candles or aroma oils in their bedrooms and bathrooms, but you are going to take it a notch further. Have them in every room!

Not only will your rooms always smell wonderful, but your body, hair, and clothes will smell super good.

4. Things to carry with you
There are certain things that you should always carry in your bag in order to smell good all the time. Simple ones to have with you are deodorant, baby wipes and mints or mouth sprays – all good in an emergency when you need a fresh spritz.

5. Use scented lotions
Use scented lotions over regular lotions in order to smell impeccable no matter what time of day it is. Apply some scented lotion on your body after you shower to smell good everywhere. You can even skip the perfume if you have scented lotion on.

If you’re allergic to scented lotions, you may prefer a more organic option. You can make your own scented lotion at home by using coconut oil, almond oil, beeswax, and some essential oils of your liking.

6. DIY natural mouthwash
If you don’t have mouthwash or spray with you, you can also chew on parsley to remove bad breath. Certain foods, like pineapple, apple, fennel, orange, and green tea, can help reduce breath problems.

For a quick fix, a rinse with half a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water can reduce stinky mouth significantly. If you don’t have baking soda, two tablespoons of regular vinegar or apple cider vinegar will work as well.

7. Laundry hacks
Your laundry can smell good if you are using a good detergent. However, not all detergents are toxin-free.

In order to make your laundry smell awesome, add some lavender water, by mixing a few drops of lavender oil to a cup of water.

Citrus oil with a cup of baking soda, a cup of vinegar, and half a cup of borax can also achieve the same result. On the contrary, vinegar with an essential oil of your choice can also do wonders.

8. Where to spray your perfume
Now, you can follow tradition and spray your preferred perfume on your wrist and neck. Or, you can be a revolutionary and spray it all over your body.

Of course, you should not overdo it as this can have the exact opposite effect of being overpowering. So remember, less is more with perfume.

9. Foot spray and powder
Our feet can smell horrible sometimes, especially when we’ve been wearing the same shoes repeatedly for a very long time. To save yourself from embarrassment, use a foot spray to maintain a fresh smell.

Sprinkling some baking soda or talcum powder on your feet can reduce the bad smell effectively.

10. Detoxifying foods
Your body may smell bad because of poor nutrition and bad diet, so it’s always best to maintain a healthy nutritious diet.

Drink about two liters of water every day, whether the weather is hot or cold. Some foods, such as lemon, ginger, cinnamon, honey, and apple cider vinegar have detoxifying properties that you can add to your water.11
