10 signs you’re definitely not ready to be an adult yet


Do you ever feel like you should get some kind of award just for managing to get up in the morning, making it to work/college wearing something other than pyjamas AND feeding yourself three times during the day?

Life is a struggle sometimes, especially if, like us, you feel you're just pretending to do this whole 'adult' thing. If we had our way we'd spend every day watching KUWTK re-runs while eating copious amounts of toast. Sadly though, the world doesn't work quite like that. At least not all the time.

Here are a few key signs you're not quite ready for the adult world…

1. You strongly consider Thursday to be the start of the weekend
Did someone say 'two for one cocktails?'


2. The thought of ever being able to clear your €500 overdraft makes you laugh
If you had a spare €500 lying around, you would NOT be giving it to the bank.


3. If you remember to floss your teeth two days in a row you're genuinely thrilled
Dental hygiene on point.


4. Keeping your bedroom clean is as hard now as it was when you were 13
So. Many. Clothes.


5. You often forgo cooking dinner in favour of some random item from the back of the cupboard
Microwave popcorn it is, so.


6. You've been known to take a 'sick day' purely to watch Netflix from bed for 8 hours straight
How else are you going to watch all of OITNB in one sitting?


7. For the last two weeks before payday you usually have around €0.24 to your name
You spend your LUAS journeys waiting for an inspector to catch you out.


8. In fact, your budget in general looks something like this:
Brunch FTW.


9. You literally want to cry when you find out a celebrity is younger than you
Damn you Kendall Jenner and your eternal youth…


10. This pretty much describes your everyday routine:

