Want to tone up the easy way? Try sleeping in the nip!

It's fair enough to say that we all want to know the easiest way to tone up our tums and bums, and it seems like someone has figured it out. 

Forget the insane workouts and the diet consisting of only raw organic kale and just take a nap instead. It turns out, stripping down before hopping into bed could be the secret to the toning you're after.

You could get that leaner physique from sleeping nude according to strength coach Charles R Poliquin. 

The National Sleep Foundation in America have conducted a study which shows that one in three adults sleep in the nude and now it seems that has all sorts of health benefits. 

According to the strength coach, sleeping in the nude can help lower your cortisol levels which will in turn help you tone up. 

Cortisol causes your body to stores extra fat and especially visceral fat which can be extremely bad for your health. Visceral fat surrounds vital organs such as the heart which can lead to heart disease.

It is reported that sleeping naked lowers the cortisol levels that are produced while you sleep. This leaves more cortisol to be released during the day when you can use it up more effectively during exercise.


'If you make too much cortisol, you are limiting your testosterone production. The consequences being that building muscle and burning fat becomes harder,'

According to Charles, if you get too hot during the night, the production of growth hormones in your body suffers and in turn that makes it harder for your body to burn fat. 

'You need optimal levels of growth hormone to repair all tissues in the body and also to burn fat. Healthy growth hormone production also benefits your immune system, and lowers your risk of diabetes and heart disease."
