Want a cuppa? New study claims that black tea lowers mortality
We all love a good cup of tea, don’t we? In our opinion, there is no situation or mood that cannot be slightly helped by a nice cuppa. At any chance we get, we have the kettle on – and according to a new study, our tea addictions might just be benefitting our health!
A recent study conducted by scientists from the Annals of Internal Medicine has shown that drinking two or more cups of black tea each day could lower a person’s mortality risk by up to 13%.
Almost 500,000 UK citizens took part in the study, aged between 40 and 69. All of the study’s participants completed a questionnaire between 2006 to 2010. As part of the report, each person had to self-record how much tea they drank per day.
Of the participants that drank tea every day, 89% of them preferred to drink black tea.
When the scientists compared the results between black tea participants and no tea participants, they realised that the adults who drank black tea had between a 9 to 13% lower mortality risk.
Within this result, scientists discovered that drinking at least two cups of tea a day lowered the participants’ risks of developing dangerous health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, ischemic heart disease, and stroke.
Of course, the study was limited in scale as it did not consider the portion size of each cup of tea and the caffeine strength used.
However, these findings are still fascinating, and they definitely make us feel slightly less guilty about our daily tea consumption!
Let’s put the kettle on now, shall we?