Two ways to improve the quality of life of your elderly relatives


There will be elderly relatives in most families. These can be grandparents, uncles and aunts, or even your parents if you’re a middle-aged adult. As people age and enter the senior stages of life, their needs will change significantly. For example, most elderly people will have finished working and will be able to enjoy the extra free time that comes with retirement. This time can be well spent by cultivating some meaningful and enjoyable hobbies, travelling or learning a new skill. However, some elderly people see the abundance of free time as a burden rather than a pleasure, especially if they live on their own and are at risk of becoming lonely and isolated. Consider the circumstances of your elderly relatives and think about ways that you can help to improve their quality of life so they enjoy every day. This article describes two unique ways that you can help.

Regular visits

Recent research indicates that approximately a million elderly people in the UK experience feelings of loneliness on a regular basis. This may be because they’ve lost their life partner to illness or natural causes due to old age and now live alone. In addition, they may have a smaller circle of close friends and family members living nearby as some may have moved away.

Over time, loneliness can dramatically impact on an elderly person’s mental health and can make conditions such as depression and anxiety more common. It’s of paramount importance that you stay in regular contact with elderly family members who are in danger of becoming isolated. Aim to visit them once a week if they live a short distance from you so they continue to feel connected to the outside world. If they live a long distance away, make sure you stay in regular contact by phone. If your elderly relative is reasonably competent with technology and has a smart device or computer, consider contacting them by video call. This will allow you to have a face-to-face conversation with them and is a more personal way of staying in regular contact if they live far away from you.

When mobility and health declines

For many elderly people, later life is when mobility and general health levels start to decline. This is a normal part of the ageing process, but their home situation needs to be reassessed if they begin to suffer from regular falls or need ongoing help with specific health needs. If your elderly relative is beginning to struggle in their home, it’s beneficial to consider if their quality of life would be improved in an assisted living facility. High-quality assisted living facilities such as those that can be found at assisted senior living in Nashville can dramatically improve the quality of life of their residents.

Such establishments offer freshly prepared, nutritious meals that are cooked by in-house chefs, ensuring that the elderly receive a high-quality, balanced diet. In addition, assisted living facilities will offer their residents a range of social activities and fitness plans to help them form friendships with others and remain in good physical shape.
