When it comes to online dating, first impressions are everything.

You may have chosen your most flattering photos and crafted a suitably witty bio, but all that effort could be in vain if you're not wearing the right clothers, a new study has shown. 

Research conducted by Hater, a dating app that matches users based on their mutual dislikes, has found some of the most common deal breakers for women looking to match with men.

According to Mashable, the team looked at data from its 400,000 users and divided the men into two categories – those who were swiped right on the most, and those who were swiped right on the least.

After the profiles were analysed, the team discovered that women were hugely turned off by men who wore cargo shorts (those Khaki things with the pockets your dad use to wear on holidays) or expressed an interest in Pokemon Go or Windows computers.

On the other end of the scale, it seems men are deemed more attractive if the dress in 'preppy' clothes, eat superfoods and drink PBR (an Instagram-friendly American larger loved by hipsters).

So basically, women are looking for the stereotypical jock from ever American high school movie ever made, but given that the study was conducted on a relatively small scale, we're going to take these findings with a pinch of salt.

After all, one woman's trash is another woman's treasure.