Fitting! Kimye’s son will reportedly share a birthday with JESUS
We knew Kim Kardashian was due to give birth to her second child sometime towards the end of this year, but now it seems her due date could be a very significant day indeed.
According to various sources, Kim and Kanye's due date is December 25th, which means their son could potentially share a birthday with JC himself.
Doctors have reportedly moved Kim's due date forward to that date based on their estimation of when little Kanye Jr was conceived.
And due to her medical issues, they will most likely plan a C-section for that date or close to it if a natural birth has not happened by then.
During her first pregnancy with North, Kim had a condition called placenta accreta, in which her placenta grew too deeply into the uterus.
If it occurs again during this pregnancy it could result in very serious complications, so it's no surprise that the reality star's medical team are playing things very safe.
Back in June, Kim shared a snap of her maternity look with the caption "4 months," leading many to assume her due date was at some point in November.
While nothing is set in stone yet regarding a December 25 birth, Kim and Kanye have reportedly already booked out the Deluxe Suite at LA hospital Cedars-Sinai, where North West was born.
A birthday on Christmas Day AND a dad who considers himself a god? This little boy is going to have some serious issues to work through…