‘My life is SO glamorous’: 10 things we’re guilty of thinking on a flight


There are two types of people in this world; the ones who find the airport an annoyance before the real fun begins and those who see their time at the gate as a glamorous pre-party.

If you fall into the latter, you'll totally understand these nine things.

1. 'I have everything ready to go'

With all your travel documents printed and organised, you strut up to that counter reader to zip by without any trouble only to realise you've left your passport in your suitcase.

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2. 'Oh, I need to take a picture of my ticket for Insta'

Does the holiday even count if you don't post a pic of your passport and ticket on Instagram? Bragging to your followers is just part and parcel of travelling, and if you forked out that much money for a holiday, you better believe everyone's going to know about it.

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3. 'Maybe I’ll be seated next to someone gorgeous… or famous'

You sit patiently in your seat waiting to see who you’ll be enjoying the next few hours with – and desperately hope they'll either be good looking or even famous. Then you realise it’s the person who decided to bring tuna sandwiches on board for a mid-flight snack.

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4. 'Not this time ears; I’ve come prepared'

You’ve stocked up on sucky sweets determined to avoid the agonising pain caused by the rising altitude only to get carried away and be left with nothing for landing.

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5. 'I think it’s time to pop on my cosy flight socks'

You knew that overpriced pair of fluffy socks would come in handy, but after spending the last three hours racing to make sure you made your flight, taking off your shoes might release an odour that is unsafe to unleash on your fellow passengers.

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6. 'I’m going to fly through the novel I got at the airport bookshop'

Sitting proudly on the top shelf of ‘Books to read while you fly’, you convince yourself that you’ll be a more enlightened and well-read person at the end of your journey. Only to pass out 10 minutes after take-off and wake to find a string of drool on your neighbour's shoulder.

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7. 'I’ll just nip to the bathroom'

After climbing your way across your row, you make it to the bathroom to find it’s engaged. You wait a few moments only to give up and head back to your seat. Next thing, the door swings open so you head back just to be nipped to the post once again… the dance continues.

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8. 'I’d love a glass of wine, thank you'

It’s your holiday and you decide to start the party early by enjoying one glass of wine. Forgetting you only had a slice of toast and half a banana for breakfast four hours ago means things inevitably get a little out of hand.

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9. 'Where are my headphones?'

After all your careful planning and preparation, you root around your bag to realise you’ve left your headphones in your suitcase in the overhead locker. The people next to you will skin you alive and sell you for parts if you try and get out again.

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10. 'Flying makes me feel so glamorous'

You imagine the days when flying was fashionable and luxurious and think ‘that’s just like me’. And as you ready yourself to step off that plane looking ever the glamour-puss, you nearly fall over thanks to the gust of wind that has you looking more like a crazed cockatoo than a 60s pin-up.

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