How to catch some beauty sleep


The term “I need my beauty sleep” is actually a real thing as sleep plays a huge role in how you look. Not only is it important for good skin it will also make your hair and eyes look younger and healthier.

Follow these steps to get the most out of your beauty sleep:

Sleep on your back
Avoid sleeping on your stomach as it causes you to put pressure onto your skin which results in wrinkles. Try to sleep on your back.

Use a moisturiser
Apply an anti-ageing night cream to your face before you go to sleep. This will help to smooth down wrinkles and keep your face soft and supple. Creams and moisturisers work better at night so make sure you rub a little balm onto your lips as well.

Tie your hair up
The oils in your hair can transfer onto your face if you sleep with your hair down so tie it up. Don’t pull it too tightly though as you will just end up with split ends.

Sleep on a silk pillowcase
If you can, try to sleep on a silk pillowcase as it glides along your skin rather than bunching. Remember to change your pillowcases regularly so you’re not sleeping on a build up of bacteria.
