Here’s what you need to know about a Abdominoplasty


Here's what you need to know about a Abdominoplasty

After losing a lot of weight, you might be considering a tummy tuck – and if you are, there are things you need to consider. 

Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is done after weight changes and where you are left with excess skin. It’s one of the most popular body transformation procedures, with nearly 140,000 tummy tucks performed each year in the US. Canada is also following a similar upward trend as more and more people are getting cosmetic procedures done, according to the Canadian Institute for Health Information.

The surgery is aimed at removing excess skin and fat from the belly, and it’s often done by sewing together weakened and separated abdominal muscles. The result is a smoother and more even tummy.

If you’re drawn to the idea of getting a tummy tuck but don’t know which would be the best procedure for you, we’ll look at the most common forms of this surgery so you can determine which choice may be the right for you.

Full Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is the most common surgical procedure for people who have recently lost a lot of weight. A full tummy tuck focuses on the midsection of the abdomen and is a good option for those who are still dealing with loose skin, stretched muscles, or excess abdominal fat. A full tummy tuck can reduce the patient's waistline by two to four inches.

In a full tummy tuck procedure, the incision is made from one hip to the other below the navel. Next, the surgeon separates the flap of skin and fat from the underlying muscles. The entire flap must be separated and lifted as far as the ribs. In addition, the doctor makes an incision around the navel. Once this is done, the surgeon stitches the abdominal muscles together to make your belly firmer and flatter. Then he pulls down the skin flap and removes the excess of these tissues. A new navel is formed and finally, the incision is closed.

Although the full tummy tuck is among the most common interventions in both private and public care, it’s essential to find a board-certified plastic surgeon. So, if you live in Toronto, for instance, you should search for a tummy tuck Toronto-based medical professional and schedule an initial consultation visit. By choosing a qualified abdominoplasty specialist, you’ll be able to ensure that you achieve the desired result.

Mini Tummy Tuck

Mini tummy tucks are the best option for patients with good skin in the upper abdomen and good muscle tone. The procedure focuses on problem areas in the lower abdomen, for instance, excess fat and loose skin below the navel.

A mini tummy tuck is performed by making a small incision at the bikini line, approximately 4–8 inches. The incision may allow for the removal of a small amount of excess skin. A surgeon may also perform liposuction to target specific areas of fat. Sometimes, tightening the lower abdominal muscles is possible. Ultimately, a small number of tummy tuck candidates find that a mini tummy tuck is the best option for achieving their desired goals.

Extended Tummy Tuck

Extended tummy tucks are a great option for patients with excess skin that extends to the sides of the abdomen.

In an extended tummy tuck procedure, the surgeon will make a horizontal incision from hip to hip and outward to include the flank and lower back areas. While this is more similar to the full tummy tuck procedure, you need to keep in mind that it is more invasive and allows for more significant amounts of loose skin to be removed.


Patients with more excess skin in their abdomen or trunk, especially along the flank and lateral trunk regions, are best suited for flankplasty surgery. The procedure is very similar to a full tummy tuck, except that it only requires one incision on the lower torso. The incision for flankplasty is longer and extends three-quarters around the lower torso.

A flankplasty can be performed to effectively correct a sagging abdomen and flanks.

Reverse Tummy Tuck

Sometimes patients may have a toned lower abdomen and excess skin on their upper abdomen. This patient may be eligible for a reverse stomach tuck which targets the upper abdomen.

To remove excess skin and fat from the top of the torso, a surgeon makes an incision at the bra line. Reverse tummy tucks can be performed along with a breast lift procedure.


Choosing the best type of tummy tuck procedure mostly depends on which part of the abdominal area is bothering you. If the lower part of the abdomen requires correction, a mini tummy tuck may be the right choice. However, if the problem area is above the navel, a full tummy tuck might be needed.

Carefully select the procedure that's right for your body and make sure to discuss it first with an expert plastic surgeon.
