Appalling Tinder date? THIS incredible bar has got your back
As most of us know, there are bad first dates, and then there are bad first Tinder dates.
After both swiping right, you flirt the heads off yourselves before eventually meeting up for that all-important first date…and then, tragically, it takes a major nose dive.
If this sounds at all familiar, then you will be all OVER a plan which the good folk at The Brickyard bar in St. Albans have put in place for their customers.
Offering their clientele a safe way to bail on a date which just isn't going to plan, the staff af The Brickyard have made themselves available as handy decoys if needed.
The sign, which is posted in the women's toilets, reminds customers that there is no need to suffer through a meeting which is at best, awkward, or at worst, threatening.
There should be one of these signs posted in every establishment in Ireland, right?!