Anti-sugar campaigners want to BAN share bag sizes of sweets
When we purchase a share bag of sweets or crisps from the supermarket, more often than not that 'share' instruction is seen as more of a guideline than a rule.
Admit it, there's very few of us our there who haven't managed to put away a share bag of Doritos or a party bag of chocolates all by ourselves.
Now, anti-sugar campaign group Action on Sugar want to see the bags banned from supermarkets.
Food manufacturing magazine The Grocer found in a 2014 study that over one third of teens and young adults.
Honestly, we think a few people might have been fibbing about their propensity for a few extra handfuls of crisps on the weekends, but we shouldn't judge.
The campaign group want to ban share bags of sweets from promotions in supermarkets.
'Companies and supermarkets are constantly finding ways to push more sugary products – which are contributing to the high rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes and tooth decay in the UK,' Kawther Hashem, a researcher at Action on Sugar told The Metro.
'These types of price promotions encourage us to eat far too much sugar and calories and should be banned.'
Well, we're sure UK waist lines will be thanking them if the ban comes through.