Yas! The new Luas line will open to the public in under a month
It may seem like an eternity since work began on extending the Luas line, but the end is finally in sight.
It has finally been confirmed that the Luas will be open to the public in less than a month.
According to a tweet from the tram system, the extended line will be in operation from December 9.
Will you use the new Green Line extension when it opens on Sat 9th Dec? Let us know in this months #Luas poll: https://t.co/iSAuoAHIGx. pic.twitter.com/I1KxU8Pap3
— Luas (@Luas) November 8, 2017
The Luas Twitter posted a survey, asking commuters if they will be using the new extended green line.
The extension will be open just in time for Christmas shoppers to access all of Dublin's retail hot spots.
The line will host 13 new stops, extending from St Stephens Green all the way to Cabra.