Someone invented a shower BEER, and we are so very grateful
Have you ever found that you don't have enough time to pre-drink before a night out?
WELL, why not pre-drink while you get glammed-up, with this excellent new beer?!
Swedish brewery Pangpang has collaborated with a creative agency, to develop a new beer that is meant to be consumed specifically in the shower.
Shower beer has a 10 percent alcohol volume, so it will hit you a little harder than normal beers, and it also comes in a small bottle which is designed to be finished in three sips.
Currently, the beer is only available in Sweden; HOWEVER, you keep an eye on Snask's website, where we're hoping they'll start shipping it internationally.
Word of warning: the bottles are made of glass, which is not exactly safe for a wet shower.
So please, shower beer responsibly.