First the Kardashians, now Tyga: Why the rapper is being SUED
It came to light today that the Kardashian sisters are being sued for breach of contract on their beauty line, and now Kylie's boyfriend Tyga is being sued for up to $75,000 (€66,000) worth of damage.
The rapper seems to be a bit of a dine and dash-er when it comes to renting homes as past landlords have described him as a "tenant nightmare," reports TMZ.
Ty rented a property for his company, Egypt Last Kings Clothing, but when his landlord came to visit he found the place abandoned.
The doors and walls were painted black, the ceiling tiles were painted over with abstract art and there were ink stains all over the concrete floor. The landlord also claims that ink was poured down the drain which is an environmental no-no.
According to the celeb site, Tyga owes more than $75,000 (€66,000) in damages and also five months rent which Tyga failed to pay.