Everyone is totally BAWLING about Joe’s medal of freedom on Twitter
Barack Obama surprised his right hand man, Joe Biden, yesterday by honouring him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Obama called Joe "the best vice president America's ever had" and also a "lion of American history."
The moment Joe Biden found out he'd be receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama https://t.co/jFjOjDFIbX pic.twitter.com/GKVlswXG6N
— CNN (@CNN) January 13, 2017
The emotional ceremony saw Joe shed a few tears, and when Joey sheds tears, so does the whole world.
Here's the best reactions on Twitter:
"To know Joe Biden is to know love without pretense, service without self-regard, and to live life fully." —@POTUS honoring @VP pic.twitter.com/ayKhKh4GWS
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) January 13, 2017
Biden: am i an avenger now?
Obama: sure Joe
Biden: pic.twitter.com/FZkiWPFZi3
— Joe Biden (@SavageJoeBiden) January 13, 2017
Joe Biden's award ceremony today reminded me of how rarely we award people who have survived loss and nevertheless retain kindness and hope
— Margarita Noriega (@margarita) January 13, 2017
Joe Biden tearing up after Obama presents him the Medal of Freedom. I can't. My heart is exploding.
— Phoebe Tonkin (@1PhoebeJTonkin) January 13, 2017
Sorry I'm late Joe Biden said everyone knew he loved his wife more than she loves him and my heart burst open and I haven't stopped crying
— Karen Kilgariff (@KarenKilgariff) January 13, 2017
Can't stop watching the @TitanicOnThings video of Joe Biden being presented with the Medal of Freedom from Obama too emotional
— Ellie Goulding (@elliegoulding) January 13, 2017
Was already weeping after I wrote the last scene of #TVD act 5, then I watched Obama give Joe Biden the Medal of Freedom. Yes, real men cry.
— Julie Plec (@julieplec) January 12, 2017
.@VP @JoeBiden, I love you. You have the world's best #1 fan.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) January 12, 2017
if ur bff doesnt make u feel the way obama makes joe biden feel get a new one
— emily kuebler(@em99ranch) January 12, 2017
We're not crying, YOU are.