‘Blink and you’d miss it’ THIS mark is a subtle sign of breast cancer
The vast majority of us are aware of the importance of regularly checking our breasts for changes which may act as an indicator of cancer.
And while many of us check for lumps in breast tissue or changes in our nipples, one Facebook user is urging women to consider the relevance of even more subtle changes.
Taking to social media, Claire Warner, uploaded an image of her left breast which featured a small purple mark on the underside.
The post, which was originally uploaded six months ago but is gaining traction again this week, reminds us that signs and symptoms of cancer are not always as obvious as a lump might be.
"Ok, here goes – the Facebook status and photo I never dreamt I'd be posting – PLEASE READ and more importantly LOOK!" Claire wrote in an upload which has been shared 26,000 times
"This is a picture of my left boob. The small purplish bruise is where I had a biopsy taken," she continued. "The minuscule dimple up and to the left of it is a rare and little-known symptom of BREAST CANCER."
My story still being used to raise awareness. Very proud. But still embarrassed at photo. Don't let my embarrassment be in vain. Check now! https://t.co/CjsWMjIQhi
— My Left Boob (@OfNoSpecialType) January 4, 2017
"Blink and you'd miss it. I only spotted it thanks to another post shared by an amazing friend," she wrote.
Claire, who established a Twitter page to document her journey, assured her followers that it was caught exceptionally early and after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, she has "every hope of being cured."
Story of a bruise. From left to right: 1day, 3 days and 14 days post surgery 😉 pic.twitter.com/VZrSEKShz7
— My Left Boob (@OfNoSpecialType) August 9, 2016
Reminding the public to check themselves (and this includes males), Claire finished her post by writing: "If I can help one other person, the way I was helped, then it's been worth showing my soon-to-be-reduced left tit to the world."
"What an amazing, brave, selfless, boobtastic thing to do. Super proud to know your amazing self." wrote one follower.