Having digestion issues? Try adding these foods to your diet


Having digestion issues? Try adding these foods to your diet

(Image via https://twitter.com/CowdrayFarmShop)

Contributing towards our all-round health and general feeling as we go about our daily lives, the digestive tract plays a hugely important role in our bodies. Much like we can consume immune-boosting foods, we can also eat digestion aiding foods. Put simply, what we put into our bodies is essentially what we get out of them.

It’s incredibly common to suffer from some sort of a digestion issue too, be it gas, cramping, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea or abdominal pain or discomfort. They don’t necessarily point towards any health issues either, as even the healthiest person on the planet can experience digestive problems in their lives, be it through a lack of fibre or probiotic-rich foods in their diets.

There are numerous ways in which we can guard against any digestive issues or also help with any ongoing issues, and that is down to the certain types of foods we eat. Much like our bodies can’t just sit around all day playing blackjack in Ireland online with no exercise at all, our digestive tract can’t just starve itself of the foods it needs to improve our digestion either. Otherwise, we’ll experience one of the aforementioned digestion issues. They’re never comfortable, either.

So, to help with your digestion, here’s a look at some foods worth adding to your diet.


Yoghurt contains probiotics which are good bacteria that live in our digestive tract and is essentially welcome to stay there. It improves digestion and helps keep your gut healthy, which is why consuming foods like yoghurt, which contain a lot of it is a good idea. Probiotics help ease any symptoms such as diarrhoea, constipation and bloating, alongside a whole host of others.


Apples contain pectic which is a soluble fibre known to aid digestion as it bypasses your small intestine and is then broken down by friendly bacteria in your colon, therefore aiding with any issues such as constipation or diarrhoea as it decreases inflammation and is known to fight off an intestinal infections.


Rich in cultures that aid the digestion of lactose, Kefir is a dairy product made by adding kefir grains to milk and has grown massively in terms of its popularity around the globe in recent times. Kefir helps with digestion hugely and is also linked with decreasing any inflammation in the gut, all contributing towards a better all-round digestive system.

Chia seeds

(Image via https://twitter.com/kalechocolate)

When it comes to digestion, fibre is your friend. Chia seeds contain a lot of it as they immediately get to work like a prebiotic would, fighting off any bad bacteria in your gut and enabling the healthy bacteria to flourish, all contributing towards a healthy and better functioning digestive system.


A tropical fruit you might have stumbled across in a healthy drink or on a breakfast menu, papaya is really helpful with it comes to digestion as it breaks down protein fibres thanks to papain, a digestive enzyme. Many irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) sufferers are told to consume papaya as it can ease symptoms such as bloating and constipation too.


Beetroot is an excellent source of fibre and contains a lot of other good stuff too. With 3.4 grams of fibre said to be in one cup of beetroot, that type of serving could aid your digestion dramatically thanks to its ability to head straight to your colon where it then feeds your gut-healthy bacteria, therefore contributing towards a better all-round digestive system.

Other foods worth eating are miso, ginger, kimchi, dark green vegetables, natto, sauerkraut, salmon, bone broth, peppermint, tempeh, whole grains, fennel and kombucha.
