CBD oil for yoga and meditation

CBD can help users relax and focus, which is very important when doing yoga. It can also help to focus our emotions and feelings, allowing us to clear our minds and immerse ourselves in yoga. In addition to this, CBD products – such as those from JustBob CBD online shop – can be taken before and after yoga, enhancing its centering effects.

Stress in our daily life

Often the roots of stress lie in changes: a new project, work, move, family life. However, it can also stem from our familiar environments, such as an aggressive boss, impending deadlines, or constant traffic jams.

When the body copes with an external stressor, stress levels rise, and hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine are released to increase alertness, make muscles tense and raise blood pressure.

This is necessary to enable us to react quickly to a potential threat. This reaction is known as a "fight or flight" response. However, in most cases, the cause of the stress is not a physical threat and can cause lack of sleep, headaches, indigestion, extensive muscle tension and other symptoms.

Chronic stress can contribute to health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal upset and anxiety disorders.

How can cannabidiol amplify the benefits of yoga?

Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual practice that can push your body to the next level, increase flexibility, test balance and strength, increase muscle tone and improve energy and breathing. The movements in yoga are generally smooth and low-impact, although you may still feel the strain on the body during and after the practice.

Even the most delicate transition to yoga requires the body to respond with more excellent elasticity, flexibility and fluidity. Apart from this, yoga also requires good balance, which, in turn, requires a clear awareness of body position and a complete distraction from external stimuli.

Additionally, there is the inherent stretching of yoga, which can also be intense. It was demonstrated that stretching activates endocannabinoid receptors in muscles and fascia, leading to more significant interaction with cannabinoids, such as CBD.

You could give yourself a "head start" by preparing your body and mind for the stresses and strains of yoga and mental demands by taking CBD oil before yoga classes. CBD is still actively researched for all the potential health benefits it can provide us with.

However, some of its properties can be useful during and after yoga practice. Let's look at the benefits of CBD for yoga and weigh all the advantages of such a combination.

Muscle recovery and CBD

While yoga is considered a relatively slow, low-impact discipline, it still stresses the muscles. A combination of CBD and yoga has several muscle recovery benefits.

CBD can relax the body before taking part in yoga, allowing yoga movements to relax muscle tissue better, relieve muscle tension, reduce inflammation and improve satellite cell differentiation. This, in turn, allows for faster recovery after class.

Mind-body connection

Yoga is not just physical exercise. Mind, energy, emotions and meditation play a significant role in this practice.

The more you can detach yourself from external distractions and clear your mind, the more you will be able to recharge your batteries and release tension. Yogis love to meditate to develop self-awareness and find inner balance, forgetting the world and focusing only on their feelings.

Many CBD users report feeling more focused and intuitive when doing yoga. Just a few milligrams of CBD per day are enough to allow them to dive deeper into the process to get the maximum benefits from yoga. A few drops equal about half a dropper of CBD oil.

Better concentration with CBD

Two of the main postulates of yoga are to be in tune with your body and enhance your inner awareness. While the first seems clear, the second part of this yoga equation is not that obvious and largely depends on the ability to silence external distractions and completely calm the mind.

Sometimes, forgetting deadlines, jobs and millions of other questions in your head can be more complex than ever. Research has shown that CBD is closely related to the function of two key neurotransmitters: serotonin and dopamine, which play a vital role in our ability to stay focused. This could explain why many users who report CBD improve concentration and learning.

In some cases, it may take up to half an hour for you to start feeling focused enough to enjoy your yoga class. Better concentration could be crucial if your class is scheduled to last an hour! CBD can help you create a yoga-ready mind much faster, helping you to immerse yourself in the yoga process.

Body perception

One of the main benefits of yoga is that it can help support body perception by improving our self-awareness. In addition, studies reveal that exercise increases the levels of endocannabinoids such as anandamide in our body, causing feelings like "runner's high" and playing a vital role in the mood-regulating benefits of the ECS.

CBD has been shown to increase anandamide levels by targeting the FAAH enzyme, which is responsible for breaking down anandamide.

In addition to increasing anandamide levels, CBD's effects on mood are much more profound.

One of the primary tasks of these receptors is temperature regulation, which is essential when doing yoga as it plays a vital role in our metabolic rate and internal balance or homeostasis.

Some CBD users suggest applying CBD topical products to areas that may be overly stretched during yoga practice before a yoga session to help improve your body's perception of potential internal changes in muscle tissue. It is also believed that oral CBD products that you can buy online also provide similar benefits.
