Ten problems all introverts face on a daily basis!


Being introverted isn’t something you can really change, or should have to. It simply means that you’re more responsive to external stimuli than other people. Ever need some alone time after being around people for too long? Well, that’s just your body’s way of telling you to recharge.

Even though being introverted is just a fact of life, the world just wasn’t made for us shy and retiring types. Here are some truly awkward struggles only introverts will relate to…

1. Making conversation with new people
Small talk. Oh god. You can barely hear their answers because you’re frantically trying to think what question to ask next.

2. Ending said conversations
Please make it stop. You have two options here. Hope and pray that a mutual friend will come over, allowing you some sweet relief, or implementing an excuse like “I’ll be right back, just grabbing a drink.” Right back? NOT LIKELY.

3. Needing alone time after a big social event
Everyone else is up for an after party after that night out, but all you want is your bed and the promise of a lie-in with a good book tomorrow. It’s the little things.

4. Suffering from Resting Bitch Face
The struggle is real. If one more stranger on the street tells you to “smile, it might never happen,” they’re going to get a dose of Actual Bitch Face.

5. Trying to figure out if you have FOMO or JOMO (Joy of Missing Out)
Yes, you would love to be at that gig. No, you don’t want to make conversation with anyone right now. Yes, you probably should be doing something tonight. No, you don’t want to leave your bed ever again.

6. People always thinking you’re upset or worried
Quiet ≠ sad. We promise! We’re just conserving words here.

7. Everyone being loud in work when you’re trying to get stuff done
Some people thrive in noisy environments. Those people are not introverts. Can we all just, please… sssssssh?

8. Hoping your visitors will leave early
Being “on” all the time can be exhausting. Much as you love having people over, you usually reach a certain point where your craving an empty house again.

9. Making plans and instantly regretting them
Please cancel. Please cancel. Please cancel.

10. Your other half not understanding that you just need some alone time  
I love you… but I’d love you more if we could just sit in silence for a while.
