Gwen Stefani, solo star and face of Grammy-award winning band, No Doubt says she doesn’t regret using the Harajuku Girls in her videos and public appearances because it ‘was all meant out of love’.

The 45-year-old musician, who is currently promoting her new album, has opened up in a recent interview with Time magazine about the criticism she received in the wake of her first solo album Love. Angel. Music. Baby, released in 2004.

Gwen was slammed for using Asian girls as props, but the singer says: "For me, everything I did with the Harajuku Girls was just a pure compliment and being a fan.”

Refusing to bow to criticism she received during the time and which refuses to go away today, the star said: “You can look at it from a negative point of view if you want to, but get off my cloud.”

Gwen has been accused of treating the women like pets, even renaming them Love, Angel, Music and Baby, but the singer scorns these accusations, saying: “You can’t be a fan of another culture? Of course you can. Of course you can celebrate other cultures.”

Gwen, surprisingly however, goes on to say: “They were dancers that were cast, but they became real.”

Ehm Gwen, they’re living, breathing humans, so weren’t they always real?