Simply have a cup of green tea… then tuck into CHIPS guilt-free

You can tuck into starchy foods such as cereal, bread and chips – and counteract some of the negative effects by drinking green tea at the same time.

That’s because an extract from the tea has now been found to reduce the amount of carbs that you absorb during digestion.

Hurrah! Starch is the most common carbohydrate we consume, and the likes of potatoes, rice, bread and pasta all contain large amounts.

Led by Jaroslaw Walkowiak of Poznan University in Poland, the researchers found the dose of green tea extract decreased starch digestion and absorption compared to a placebo group.

“This plant extract is widely available, inexpensive, and well tolerated, so it has potential utility for weight control and the treatment of diabetes,” researchers said afterwards.

They added that it was important to have several cups a day in order for the process to prove effective.

And plenty of A-listers are already in on the act too: Lady Gaga is said to be drinking up in the run-up to her forthcoming wedding, while Kendall Jenner said last year she was downing "like 12 cups a day".

Several years ago, Victoria Beckham was among the first wave of celebs who was reportedly staying slim by regularly consuming green tea.

