Netflix and chill… and 6 other things that CONFUSE most couples

You might have to prepare yourself for this one, but it's been five whole years since Netflix began streaming in Ireland.

That's right, ladies, half a decade has passed since we were introduced to the service that brought us House of CardsOrange is the New Black, and Stranger Things… to name but three.

Oh, and during that time, we learned that saying you were chilling out in front of the box with a potential partner or significant other suddenly took on a far greater meaning.

We mean, did you two actually watch Netflix together? Or did you two watch Netflix… and, you know, chill together?

As if we didn't have enough problems trying to navigate the various other pastimes we're meant to enjoy together…

1. Netflix and Chill

For many of us, a night in front of Netflix means more time arguing over what to watch and less time undressing each other.

"Don't dare open another button on that damn shirt. We're watching Clueless, and you're ruining Cher's monlogue about the Haitians."

2. The official first date

Will it involve half his group of mates? Are you meant to bring a friend along? A first date in Ireland is not like the movies.

"Mick will get ya a pint. Have ya met Mick? Known him since 4th class. He'd nothing else on tonight, so said I'd bring him along."

3. Couple of drinks together

The idea is sweet – no doubt about it – but when you spend two hours scrolling through your respective phones without speaking to each other, you have to question whether you're doing it wrong.

"Here, I've tagged you in a meme, Get off Twitter, and have a look on Facebook."

4. Phonecalls that last longer than 40 seconds

Unless they're calling to remind you to buy bog roll, phone conversations are not for Irish couples. Oh, we're a nation of talkers alright… as long as it's by text.

"Who's dead?! Then, why did you ring me, for Jaysus sake? Do not do that again, I'm telling you."

5. Shopping together

Some romcoms would have you believe a couple can spend a leisurely afternoon browsing various stores, and still arrive home without a single crossed word, but we know better.

"I'm not going in there again. It's full of 15-year-old lads who can't afford a pair of runners between them. And you bailed on me in Topshop, so you can p*ss off."

6. Working-out together

The couple that squat together, stay together… unless you grew up in Ireland and were raised on the notion that sporting activities were divided by gender.

"Don't you tell me how to swing a kettlebell. I was doing this long before you decided to ditch GAA."

7. Sleeping together in the parental home

Unless you were raised in a particularly liberal home, you'd be fairly shocked to learn your other half's parents would be OK with y'all sharing a bed in the family home.

"I'm allowed into your room? Your mam isn't waiting under the bed with a shot gun, is she?"

