Eating fruit and veg can help relieve asthma

There is some good news if you’re an asthma sufferer as research shows eating fruit and vegetables can help with the condition.

Whoever said that you are what you eat was on to a good thing. Research published in Nature Medicine journal claims that what we eat can influence immune cell development and disease outside the gut. If you have asthma, eating your five a day can go a long way to help you deal with your condition.

However, it is not just asthma sufferers who benefit from this kind of diet. People who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome can also benefit as both conditions are caused by the same inflammatory reaction.

People who don’t suffer from asthma or IBS can also benefit from a fibre-rich diet as it can help reduce heart disease and certain cancers.

So, when doing your weekly shop, make sure you pop some extra fruit and veg into your trolley.

