Do you really know your face shape?


Knowing your face shape is as important as knowing your body type. If you don’t know the shape of your face, you won’t know the type of hairstyle that will accentuate your features.

The easiest way to determine your face shape is to pull your hair back, take a hard look in the mirror and examine the widest part of your face.


  • Your forehead is a tiny bit wider than your chin.
  • The length of your face is about one and a half times its width.


  • The length and width of your face are more or less the same.
  • You have prominent cheeks.


  • You have a square shaped jaw and chin.
  • Your jaw line is nearly the same width as your forehead.


  • Longer than an oval face shape and not as wide.
  • You may have a pointy chin.


  • You have a narrow jaw and pointy chin
  • Both your cheekbones and forehead are wide.


  • Your cheekbones are the widest part of your face.
  • You have a narrow jaw line and forehead.