Classic CV mistakes that could cost you your dream job!


Even if you're more than qualified for a certain job, it's important to remember that your prospective employer will meet your CV before they even come close to meeting you.

A badly written CV could be the difference between you getting the chance to sell yourself in an interview and simply getting another rejection letter.

Make an incredible first impression by checking over your CV to ensure it doesn't fall foul of any of these common mistakes.

1. Spelling and grammar issues
Even in a job where writing skills are not key, it is SO important to have perfect spelling and grammar on your CV and cover letter. Typos and incorrect grammar show a lack of care and could send your CV straight to the bin. Check and double check everything before you send it, read your cover letter aloud to yourself to ensure the grammar sounds right, and if you have notoriously bad spelling ask a friend to vet everything on your behalf!

2.  No personal profile
A couple of lines at the beginning of your CV is a great way to grab the reader's attention and let them see that it's worth their while reading on. Launching into your education and experience details straight off the bat will just bore prospective employers and leave them skipping to the end.

3. Rambling
Being clear and concise is a great way to show that you are organised and have good attention to detail. Avoid long and rambling sentences, especially on your CV – don't use 50 words where you could use five.

4. Not tailoring your CV
Certain previous roles will be more relevant to particular jobs, so tailor your experience to suit the role you are applying for. If you are applying for a customer service role, try to focus on relevant elements of your duties and achievements in previous jobs – for example, that you worked in a busy café and had to be personable and help to manage customer problems on a daily basis. Small changes or alterations can ensure your CV is the one that stands out.

5. Leaving gaps in your experience
Even if you were off backpacking without a job for six months, or were on the dole while waiting for something new, it's best not to leave a large gap on your resumé. If you were volunteering, interning, blogging, taking night classes, babysitting or doing anything constructive with your time, mention it! Otherwise, prospective employers have every right to assume you just sat on your bum for eight months.
