A night at the flicks: Your go-to style guide


Deciding to pan out in the cinema for a night of relaxation is always ruined when you realise you’ve forgotten the cardinal style rule for a night at the flicks; stretchy, stretchy, stretchy.

When you’re in a pair of jeans that are cutting off the circulation to your brain (well, they will be after a wheelbarrow of popcorn anyway) you can kiss goodbye to a chilled-out evening.

Here, girls, is all you need to do and wear for a trip to the cinema. Take note!


Loose is the only way to go here, ladies.

Who needs bobby pins digging into their heads when they’re trying to get their flake on?


Like your hair, we’re talking loose, loose, loose.

Ok, so pyjamas are ‘technically’ frowned upon, but could you possibly ditch the ones that sport sleeping sheep and get away with that black pair? Who would ever know?


Hoodies are normally considered the go-to guy in cases of major chill- fests, but you’re playing with fire here. What if you get too hot and all you have beneath is a skimpy cami?

Ladies, you need to opt for a cotton T-shirt (optimal breathing material) for when your nacho sweats kick in.

Outer wear

Like we said, ditch the hoody in a stuffy cinema.

Go for a soft, long sleeved cardigan, your arms stay warm but the open-buttoned lay-out of your standard cardigan accommodates any food baby issues.


Considering all of the above, you’re not really going to want to team your killer heels with that sassy ensemble.

Cons all the way.

Now your sexy ensemble is complete, go eat and flake your heart out.
