84 strangers across the world unite to solve a Rubik’s Cube


When recent Harvard graduate Nuseir Yassin went on a two-month backpacking trip around the world, he decided to reach out to strangers across the world with the help of a Rubik's Cube.

Across 11 countries, Nuseir got 84 strangers (plus one snake and one monkey) to do a single move on the puzzle, so they could collectively solve it.

Nuseir wrote about the video project:

"After graduating from Harvard College in May, 2014, I decided to backpack for two months and see what the world had to offer."

"I also wanted to solve a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube throughout the entirety of my journey. To do so, I had one person do one move only in different locations I had travelled to. This is the final result."
